About – Stay Wilde

Proudly printed and shipped from Coppell, TX 😊✨🌵 Use code: WERISE for 10% off


Close your eyes. Now picture a time in your life where you felt the most free. Take a second and breathe in the air. What do you feel? What do you see? Are you at the top of a hill overlooking a beautiful countryside? Are you at the end of a trail looking up at a beautiful waterfall? Or maybe you’re laying in the grass staring up at the stars with the crickets singing around you.

For me, when I close my eyes I see me standing on a mountain in the middle of beautiful October weather overlooking the most breath-taking view of Lake Tahoe I have ever seen😍


My husband and I went to Lake Tahoe for our honeymoon, and as soon as we got back home to my normal “city life” in Dallas, it wasn’t long before I was craving that feeling I got when looking out over the edge at that crazy view. I needed that rush of adventure, that feeling of complete and total freedom again. So the next chance we got we hopped on a plane and headed off to Oregon to go chasing a waterfall!

After that, life started to get a little crazy (as it does) and we found ourselves a little too busy to go on as many adventures as we had enjoyed going on. BUT I still felt like I had a passion for adventure running through my “city-girl” veins and I hated seeing that passion slowly being diminished by the hustle and bustle of everyday life. I wanted to think of a way I could keep that passion alive until my next adventure.

Enter Stay Wilde. Shirts ready to inspire you into your next adventure. Reminding you of your Wild Heart, to Always Take the Scenic Route, and to never stop Following Adventure. I hope these simple little shirts I designed can be powerful reminders and fuel for your inspiration.

So whether your about to take the plunge off a cliff into a lake, or you’re simply jumping off the deep-end with your kiddos in your backyard pool— just remember to always stay wilde😎💕

PS. I’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to reach out anytime about anything. Also I want to see all the ways you love to adventure! So be sure and share that that as well😉


-Marie // Stay Wilde founder